Programme Details

Programme Details

Daniele Buccio

After graduating in piano performance and composition, Daniele Buccio (Verona, 1980) received
the title of Ph.D in Musicology at the University of Bologna with a dissertation on the history of
Gestalt psychology in the musical domain. He pursued research projects at the Musikhochschule
Lübeck (DAAD short-term research grant) and at the Paul Sacher Stiftung Basel. He has been
performing solo recitals since 1997. In 2010 he published the recording Dettagli e ritagli, 69 piano
pieces dedicated to him by Luigi Verdi. He recently performed piano works by Mikalojus
Konstantinas Ciurlionis, Ivan Wyschnegradsky, Igor Miklachevsky, Marina Scriabine, and the Lisztian
transcriptions of Beethoven’s nine symphonies. From 2011 until 2017 he has been a teacher of
piano and score reading for composers at the “Santa Cecilia” Conservatory of Music in Rome, Italy.

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