Our Management

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Our Management

The Society is governed by an Executive Committee consisting of 15 members elected by the General Body every year, one of whom is selected by the elected members as President. All members of the Executive Committee work for the Society in a purely voluntary capacity.

Executive Committee Members

Mr. Sunit Tandon
Hony. President
Dr. Jayati Ghosh
Hony. Vice-President
Ms. Rekha Khosla
Hony. Secretary
Mr. Reuben Israel
Hony. Treasurer
Mr. Hormusji N. Cama
Mr. R. Srinivasan
Prof. Partho Datta
Chairperson School Committee and Programmes Committee
Mr. Sat Pal Madan
Ms. Yukti Banerjee
Ms. Linda Brady Hawke

A small Secretariat headed by an Adminstrator functions at the premises of the Society to look after its day-to-day activities. The Delhi School of Music functions from the same premises. Its academic activities are looked after by a Director.

The accounts of the society are subjected to both internal and statutory audits and submitted to the Annual General Body consisiting of roughly 200 voting members.

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